Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Despite being so busy with work and apartment stuff (have to buy a few more screws, paint to cover the damage I've already done, etc...) I am really happy. What a difference bringing all of my stuff out here made!

Today, I worked just over 11 hours. Yikes! However, it was all progressive, fun work. I did some photoshop, got some things coordinated and met some of our "business associates." When will the "newness" of everything wear off? Do I want it to?

This picture is from when I went to Germany for Spring Break 08 (Paris, Cologne, Cairo). I noticed this contraption from walking around. Turns out it's part of an outdoor activity store. So I went in and climbed around. It was really hard. I think it's somewhat representative or symbolic of what I do at my job.  

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