I wish keys were still this big because they would be a lot harder to lose.
Last night, I left work only to realize it was raining. So I went back to my office and used my key to get through the gate onto our floor. Then I got my umbrella and went home.
This morning, I can't find my keys. I look high, low, left and right without luck. "Maybe I left them on my desk and walked out." But I arrived at work and didn't see them.
What is really important are the details between coming home from work and then waking up this morning. I had friends over for chili dogs and we got stoned and had wine. I don't remember anything much except moving things around to make room.
So, here I am on a Friday night restless until I find those keys. I won't go out (tonight) until I find them. I will go out tomorrow if I can't, though, because at least I can say I tried. Also, how awful do I look in this picture! I look like I have a belly...(The picture is from Summer 2006 when i studied in London. We're in some medieval hospital that had a church. The lock went to the cloisters.)