Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ask me anything...

About this painting, and I can tell you anything. This is Jean Fautrier's "TĂȘte d'otage" or head of Hostage no. 21 from 1944 or 1945...the date has been changed a few times. This was my big project for Modern Art History in France. My partner and I studied everything. I even went to the Pompidou in Paris to look at the dossier and files of it. Hey, how do you do that thing in a post where you say "click here for more pictures"? I wish I could do that. I'll look into it...

Anyway, I was just thinking about this because I really want to do a group exhibition, but I know so few artists and many of them are outside of New York. Plus I want it to be a group show by non-artists who just do what they think. I have mine all thought out, but I can't put it here, legal reasons. Theft, you understand. But where to show? The other down side is that I only know 11 people, so I need to know people who know people...

If I sold paintings, too, I don't think I would charge that much. I would add up the cost of everything and divide so that I don't lose money and would only make a little bit. I think I am going to start making a mood-board about my collection...

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