Monday, January 19, 2009


Ça va? Oui. J'ai faim. Avez-vous des macarons? Mais non! J'en ai besoin! C'est où, la maison Ladurée?

I have to go to Paris tomorrow for a week. I remember when I used to travel (even to a city an hour away) I'd be packed days in advance. Now, it's the night before and I haven't even done laundry so choices are limited. Where is that passport? I'll think about packing as I watch some TV on my computer... oh my, how times they have changed!

Photo: This is at like 6 in the morning in Paris Summer 2008. Karen wanted to see the sunrise through the Arc de Triomphe...except it was cloudy and a waste of time. After I took this picture (standing in the middle of the road) mini cars zoomed by me. Memories. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009


So here was my dream last night:

A lot of weird stuff I don't remember, but then I was at Columbia University (except it wasn't Columbia, you know?). This student officer/tour guide comes up to me on a horse and was like, "you're not allowed to be here." But I was able to sweet talk her into letting me stay...and also to let me ride on the horse with her. 

This horse was so incredibly tall. We were indoors, first of all, coming to a doorway, and I was like "Shit, I'm going to get knocked off." But it was a dream so I magically stayed on. The tour-guide-girl got off and let me stay on the horse, and then I started to slowly walk away with the horse, which was fun. But then we started galloping in this huge library-like hall. Oh, it was amazing.

I need to leave NY and find a place where I can have my piano and ride horses. No offense to the city, it's just that I'm spatially challenged here.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I think some bad karma caught up with me for the start of 2009, or I just got food poisoning suspiciously after warranting some karmatic repercussions. Does that make sense?

On Tuesday, I start piano lessons with a student from NYU. I want to learn about 3 or 4 lovely and simple pieces and then have a recital. Of course you are invited! That'll be $5.