Monday, January 19, 2009


Ça va? Oui. J'ai faim. Avez-vous des macarons? Mais non! J'en ai besoin! C'est où, la maison Ladurée?

I have to go to Paris tomorrow for a week. I remember when I used to travel (even to a city an hour away) I'd be packed days in advance. Now, it's the night before and I haven't even done laundry so choices are limited. Where is that passport? I'll think about packing as I watch some TV on my computer... oh my, how times they have changed!

Photo: This is at like 6 in the morning in Paris Summer 2008. Karen wanted to see the sunrise through the Arc de Triomphe...except it was cloudy and a waste of time. After I took this picture (standing in the middle of the road) mini cars zoomed by me. Memories. 

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