Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Piece of Cake

I hope no one else ever thought to put Piet Mondrian paintings on a cake. This has been one of my best ideas to date. I graduated from college, moved back to America from France and had a party to celebrate. I can't think of a better marriage for the two occasions. 

People were hesitant to eat them, so I had to cut the tableau and encourage people to eat art. Picking out the cake was amazing. We went to the best bakery and they asked what flavor I would like. My choices were vanilla, chocolate, yellow, white . . . wait. When did colors become flavors? I asked. Her answer came as little tiny cakes on a plate. I tried about 7 combinations and fell in love with them all. I couldn't pick just one, so my mom compromised and said we could do 3 smaller cakes as opposed to one huge one. 

I think I will get married one day so I can have another cake tasting. Heck, you only have to be engaged to do that! My new plan is to get engaged several times.

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