Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thé sur les Tuesdays

When I was living in France, I had tea every Tuesday with Madame Marineau, my "host-mom" of sorts. I just miss those little dates so much; every Tuesday since I left has paled in comparison. So today, when I was having an especially rainy, sad Tuesday, I just thought about what Tuesdays used to be, and I got happier. I had my own tea this afternoon with a brownie, and I spoke French in my head.

If you want to know more, I can tell you all about my living situation in France--it was simply amazing. But until then, I just want to say that it was completely life-changing. Mme and I got along so well. She had had students before me, but, she says, no one ever knocked on her door and asked to spend time with her. I ended up meeting most of her family and we all became close. They are more than welcome anytime in New York to visit me, although I know that idea is far fetched. I, however, will definitely visit Aix again and see Mme Martineau. Within a year. I will probably cry and rip up my return ticket. Serious.

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